Moving Cleaning & Organization Services
Service Description
Thoroughly cleaning before moving out, or in, is essential. We will customize your moving cleaning service to meet your needs and moving schedule. If you are moving into a new space, you deserve to start with a clean slate. Moving Cleaning Services - Full-house vacuuming and moping Cleaning baseboards Cleaning cabinets and drawers inside and out Cleaning the shower and bathtub Cleaning toilets Cleaning sinks and countertops Cleaning kitchen appliances Cobweb Removal Detail Ceiling Fans Clean Countertops and Backsplash Clean Light Switch and Outlet Covers Spot Clean Walls We will customize your Move In Organizing Service to meet your needs and schedule. If there is a room you would rather skip or a service that is not needed, let me know. I’ll unpack your boxes and organize the rest of your space with an eye for detail, functionality, and your unique style. Move In Organizing Services - Kitchen Living room Office and or hobby room Bookshelf Bathroom Storage items Placement of decorations Organization of anything in your new home! To get started, schedule a free consultation. Once we have determined what needs to get done, I will send an estimate. After you have accepted the estimate, we will schedule a time for your space to be Done by Amanda!