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How can I make chores less stressful?

Updated: Jan 6, 2023

For many people, including myself, it is accomplished by being mindful.

I try to encompass mindfulness in everything I do. At times it can be easier said then done. With consistent effort and intention it can become second nature before you know it.

But what does it mean to be mindful?

Mindfulness is the practice of purposely bringing one's attention to the present-moment experience without evaluation.

Researchers from the University of Flordia found that mindful dishwashers - those who focused on the smell of the soap, the warmth of the water, and the feel of the dishes- reported a decrease in nervousness by 27% and an increase in mental inspiration by 25%. The control group, on the other hand, didn’t experience any benefit.

For me, being mindful helps so I can stay focused and enjoy the time and effort it takes to complete a task. It's the movement and energy it takes to vacuum and scrub, the smell and warmth of freshly dried clothes, or the smell of my favorite cleaners. When it is all said and done nothing beats the satisfaction of having a tidy space and a relaxed mind.

I hope everyone gets the chance to try mindfulness while doing chores, or while doing anything! If this is something you already do, feel free to share your experience in the comments ☺️

If you have any other topics or tips you would like me to discuss next, message me or leave them in the comments! 👇🏻

Have a great week everyone!! 🫧

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